DTLC Guidance on Plagiarism and Artificial Intelligence
Table of Contents
Please note:
The guidance document admits that we do not have all the answers; it provides links to research and articles about the topic. It will be a webpage that is routinely updated by the DTLC.
General take-aways about AI and Plagiarism
, and already have academic integrity policies that prohibit the use of unauthorized resources. The use of AI content generators is covered by these academic honesty policies if supplemented by course-level policies that are explained in a course syllabus and/or assignment instructions.
Content produced by AI is often hard to detect, but there are strategies to create assignments and examine student work to mitigate this.
Using AI content generation to spark classroom discussion could help students understand potential dangers in using unauthorized AI content generation tools. Based on Illinois State University’s Center for Integrated Professional Development, "Generative AI in the Classroom" (accessed 7 August 2024)